The muse in Lençóis Maranhenses

It's nine o'clock in the morning. I turn on the sound
There is nothing better than listening to a reggae
Especially when looking at the time
And the vision is lost in landscapes
With the coming of a great breeze
Shaking the leaves of the coconut trees.
The wind that blows from the Sea carries the quartz sands
Chemical and physical agents change the environment
In the largest dune field off the Brazilian coast
Our reggae travels in the magic of the desert sands
In the shuttle of fine Sands with melody
Unbelievable! You will not see anywhere else.
The Lençóis Maranhenses is a lot more than magic
From up there you see a white sheet thrown on the bed
With highs and lows, valleys and thousands of dunes
It's a truth. The dunes moving day and night
I'm watching and writing the creation of God
It's really an interesting genesis.

A gorgeous scarlet ibis flying
With a thin, long and slightly curved beak
Plunges into the deep waters of the Blue Lagoon
And the blue sky is absolutely ornate
With the strong colorful plumage
Is the Scarlet Ibis bird of my Maranhão.

The day dawned with all the blue sky
I wake up with the sun's rays
Eye again for the sky
And I see a bird Scarlet Ibis
Dancing the hottest reggae melody
In most forest of scarlet ibis of the universe.

Today, I notice a different spectacle
With the touch of music
The bird Scarlet Ibis, hovers in front of me
Making a flight with a ballet in the air
In the Caribbean rhythm, the bird makes synchronicities in the sky
With multiple pirouettes, it flaps its wings.

I'm watching from the side of the lighthouse
I think: Something strange is happening
Suddenly. A flock of birds scare me
With acrobatic flights
I hide behind a Palm tree
They dance around and adorn the sky in red.

I'm just watching the time shown
In my parallel in Mandacaru
But, the sound remains strong of reggae
Is the sound tastier and passionate to dance
I look at the sky again, and wonder:
Because the birds are drawing a giant star on the sky?

My heart beats fast
I do not believe what I'm seeing
A star in the sky with five red tips
After that, the birds fly away
Now, I'm meditating the meaning of this art
With such a surprise, I imagine a thousand things.

Without a doubt, I thought only once:
The birds danced and staged a star in the sky
Would my star are here in the Lençóis Maranhenses?
I don't believe. I can't believe
How can all this happen?
Unbelievable! Everything has a reason with emotion.

My heart beats faster
And my excitement leads me to think
She is here. My only muse
It was a just cause these birds, they warned me
I have to find a way
Only then, can I know your direction.

The Mandacaru Island, is a district of Barreirinhas
I climb the three hundred and sixty rounds of the ladder
My grand Lighthouse - Sloths
In frustoconical tower of reinforced concrete
With sensitive black and white horizontal bands.
From the top of the lighthouse, I see my muse.

She came so famous in a white dress with lace
Smiling and waving your arms
I understand the size of your joy
I find it very beautiful your straight hair
Swinging with the cool breezes and soft
Transmitting all the affection with the look.

In geographic reach, everything is perfect
When your cupid corresponds in time and space
Is this strong feeling able to fly in light
Igniting the flame of love in your heart
Attraction that crosses our universe
Is actually the mutual affection without weight.

Oh my muse! Dreams and realities
I'm coming down the stairs of the "Lighthouse Sloths"
Stay where you are! Do not rush! You can get lost in the dunes
I'll swim across the river Sloth
In the largest gathering of the river to the sea
Without delay, I'll hug and kiss you.

Diving in Freshwater pushed by the sea
I'm challenging the distance on the banks
The other side with juçaras and buritis
A true Amazonian world
I see the fish swimming next to me
A lavish venue in riches with mangroves.

The Sloths River is a great adventure
A fantastic ride on the living nature
Hence, I can get to the beach Caburé
One of the most enigmatic places
It is fantastic to see the fishermen
We still have - Village Brooms, is phenomenal.

It's a beauty to see capuchin monkeys in the mangrove
The egrets, kingfisher and many others
They perform the greatest symphony of peace with life
Very cool take a tour by speedboat
Meet Caburé, Mandacaru, Atins, and other places
Always go with a good guide to not get lost.

Now, I walk in the desert sands
At each moment, I feel the presence of the muse
A star that it makes my verses a existence
On descents and ascents of the dunes
I'm following the smell of your perfume
With the breeze that offers me his direction.

When you step in the fine sands
Here is the white desert along the Atlantic Ocean
It is a privileged status with your smile
At the entrance of Barreirinhas with a beautiful look
You do the Lençóis Maranhenses, a paradise
In the most fascinating scenery of the globe.

In each step marked in the dunes
Born a stunning paradise to heaven
Living the flora, fauna and beauties
Satiating nature in idyllic landscape
Single most beautiful place on earth
It is only here. This huge open desert.

I get totally lost when I see you
With open arms in the middle of the sands
Smiling, smiling, in a female magic
With the wind blowing your hair soft
And also the elegant white dress
Dancing, dancing to the tune of love for me.

In this most extraordinary place in Brazil
The incredible tone of so many beauties
The White Desert flies with the wind
Forming thousands and thousands of dunes
The rises and falls of the dunes, has several ponds
Is the most beautiful and harmonious paradise of Maranhão.

If love is this wonderful construction
With mountains of white sands
God is a perfect love of creation
He is the master and owner of all
The most important thing he did
Sculpt your entire soul for me.

My star! Love of my affection
In each letter writing, is just the beginning
Of my friendly considerations
Love great with endless wonders
Transforming our cupid on flowers
And making your profile more admirable.

Know that the light that shines in your eyes
Falls asleep on my chest full assurance
That affection is the way of love
Illuminating every minute, I want more
So is love. I love you more and more
Sleeping between the tender breasts.

Wow. She is waiting for me next to the Blue Lagoon
One of the most beloved of the Lençóis Maranhenses Park
With the sunshine, there is a mixture of blue and green
Very impressive how God created this paradise!
In the afternoon, we see the spectacle of the sunset
Emitting rays between our kisses.

My love is only your
And your soul is mine alone
Together, we are a sweet space
Nothing separates us. Nor the gossiper on call
Love! When the rain comes falling into the sea
I am your guardian for life. Truth.
And my love is full of sincerity
Conquering over a sunny day
I could sum up all in a row
Saying to your brown eyes
I love you too much - My star
I'm always here, no matter what happens.
Therefore, love is something infinite
And no one will love as I love you
I only know of one thing:
I'll build the most beautiful road in verses
It will be the largest Highway paved with my lyrics
A special place for both of us.
You deserve everything that exists, including myself
A gift to perpetuate throughout the cosmic
In the most celebrated love story
That exists between a poet and a woman by name. Star
My love! Will be more beautiful than the Milky Way
More extensive than the Pan-American Highway.
This is the way of our love
A long highway built only verses
Honestly, I'm happy with your presence
With your sweet smile that really pleases me
It's with great emotion that I remember of all your affection
You really are an amazing person.
Now, I look at your entire profile
And I am faced with such beauty
Your eyes, hair, face and smile
Not to mention the exciting curves of the body
Besides the soft voice and loving
Your soul has an unusual character.
My love! You know something. I can speak?
I walked the whole world looking for a muse
But, God has chosen you to be the star
A strong woman, beautiful and elegant whole
Only you is like that. Always ready for love
A gift that arrived in my sands
My star! I'm going to love forever.

I'm going to run, I'll hurry up and perform with my girlfriend
She will like to dance with me reggae of Rosy Valença
"A stone of responsibility" of my Brazilian Jamaica
For this woman, I don't get tired of writing songs of love
Since the day I met him, she fell in love. And I too.
When we are absent, the lights of our headlights are lovers
A red flower floating on the symbology of my verses.

Today, she stepped on the sands of my sheets
With open arms
In the most elegant white dress
She is a stylish woman
Offering your endless love
We will bathe in the blue and green waters of the Blue Lagoon
A beautiful woman, a star of my poems
At the thought of his only poet.


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 22/02/2014
Reeditado em 23/02/2014
Código do texto: T4702464
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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