It's too late. I can't change the time

When winter came
I looked on the horizon
And you didn't come
Don't say anything else
You didn't answer my calls
Turning off the cell phone
That way, I still waited for you
Looking at the green road
With the raindrops falling on her face
I thought only once.

If the birds are migrating with the cold
I have to design before the night
I can not wait beyond the boundary of the day
Where the nights are longer
And the path of hope, has just one look
In the certainty that the time does not stop
And the minutes are all like a drop of gold
The loser does not recover more
Who wins is who crosses these limits
Enjoying new stations with pleasure.

Now, I'm reading your message
And respond with my chivalry
It turns out that I can't now. I can't
Winter has arrived with the cold
Right now, I can warm my heart
Taking a good wine
Outcrops with more love
In the warmth of bed
Wrapped in fluffy comforters
Feeling the sweet warmth of my soul mate.

Believe. You have not lost me, baby
Just arrived too late
And you know that on cold station
I'm never alone, no
In the winter season my blood boils
It is in winter that we are born again
Embraced in the composition of the great love
While the rain beats down on the roof
I live this unforgettable moment
In the certainty that the time does not stop
And the minutes are all like a drop of gold.


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 19/02/2014
Reeditado em 19/02/2014
Código do texto: T4697136
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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