The white dress of the muse

The dawn has its name written
With two Windows opened by the Sun
Born in your eyes the new day
With the most splendid panorama
Where the landscape wears my soul
At the opening of a sumptuous gesture of affection.

I didn't believe in that distant scenario
An honorable spectacle of lovely morning
Up, up, over a wide area
Between a giant white cloud
There the sun passed silently.
Crossing tamely at paradise.

My expectations have gone quiet in time
In all directions, I just saw you.
In the long gown in the color of the white clouds
Walking with a hat in hand
In the line of my blue horizon
I noticed an almost unforgettable picture.

Wonder! It all becomes unbelievable with the air
I feel the gust of wind blowing from the sea to the beach
A big tunnel of breezes cool in the hot sands
In low pressure that whistles in the hours
Transforms an illuminated panel of hues
Between the empyrean and my Continent.

With the footsteps marked on the sands
Stepping with low intensity and calm
Expressed an endless tenderness
Following on the edge with the kiss of the sea
The white foams adorning her feet
In the beauty of the movement of the waves.

You are my most fascinating muse
Lady and owner of a glowing beacon
That beats in my lighthouse in São Marcos
Their lights are flowers on my way
And your love poured over me
Becomes our complete union.

That's why dawn takes its name
Writing on the lines of my heart
All her passion, and making me your eldorado
I'm happy when I realize their dreams
Dancing to the tune of pleasure with caresses
Entwined in affection everyday.

Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 16/02/2014
Reeditado em 16/02/2014
Código do texto: T4693073
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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