One hundred verses of love

I look in every flower
In the desire to find
Your sweet Kiss
What can I do then?
I do not know. But she was here looking for me
In the flame of affection that sweetens me.

I want to smile and keep dreaming
And dreaming
And loving
Because life is more a flower with perfume.

The truth is above my eyes
Where I can dream
And say that I love.
In each verse
It is an acclamation
Coming out of my mind.

A star who lives in my garden
There will always be light to illuminate
The entire sky with your heart
Marking on my headlamp with its beauty
It is the most beautiful charm of a woman
Know what you want. And makes a passionate poet.

So I'll keep dreaming
In the construction of the most beautiful roads.
With flowers, songs and millions of verses
Only after, I have the beautiful star
The most famous queen of all my poems
She smiles when I mention all of this.

I just want to sing, and continue living
In the flower of love
In the venerable flavor of passions
And dreaming
Therefore, the minutes are not lost in stations.

If the universe has a star shining
I live in the path of these lights
Anyway, I'm building on letters
The longest road where she will pass
I, I like to admire your look
Especially when she's in the red dress.

If love is such a giant force
Able to fly in the right direction
I have no doubt. No.
The invisible heat that protrudes
Pulsing nonstop in the heart
Is an adoption that comes in better acceptance.

My only star cosmic
Today, early. I open my heart.
And I put the first floor
With millions of festive adornments
In celebration of her youthful charms
Contemplated in the sympathy of my affections.

Hey, beautiful girl of my dreams
It is not for nothing that I love you
Transforming life in rose bud
In the mountain range of emotions
Writing our love story
In affectionate feelings and boiling.

You know my homeland
Are all the avenues of your heart.
That floats and comes with joys
A good place where there's tune
Filling my brown eyes
With intensity, I give you my love.

I try to understand a little
But love does not give me explanations
Burns me inside and leaves me like that
In the constant invisibility of dreams
Now, I can write a hundred verses in minutes
In the hairs of my sweet muse.

There are no words to express all my feelings
In the same way as I do not know the color of love
That vibrates in the waves of the sea kissing the beaches
Sighs, gasps and sighs in our friendship
This is the most beautiful reality I've always dreamed
And the most important moments of my life with you.

Today, the time has passed so fast
But, my love remains stronger
Growing, growing as the scale of the universe
Without losing the brightness of my star
In the infinite stellar universe
I want, want, want, I just love it.

A journey across the galaxy is phenomenal
Expanding its rays of light
Generating, generating more love for me
I want more and more this kinetic energy
Strengthening our intersection sentimental
In perpetual union of outer space.

Learn more: I can only reciprocate the love this way
For all the good you make me without an appointment
Offering this poem one hundred verses fondly
It is undoubtedly a proof of love written in verses
Ensuring that love is born with new hopes
In celebration of this greatest event of delights.

Thank you for this wonderful red rose
Is a germination in my little heart
In the great highway of my feelings
It is only you the muse of my verses. – star.


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 10/02/2014
Reeditado em 10/02/2014
Código do texto: T4684872
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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