Love in the Stars

The clouds are in the sky
At any time without notice
They pass silently
Without leaving marks.
Look! There is a star in the sky
majestic and brilliant
It is a lady with a flower
Pure girl and with full charms.

S  t  a  r
S        I will observe        S
t               In every wink               t
a            Your smile            a
r      With magic.      r
S  t  a  r
Hey, beautiful lady in red!
I'm here
I'm ready to dance
This melody with you.
Yes. Let's Dance!
Illuminating the sky with its light
I can stay in your heart
And you never will be so lonely.
Hey, beautiful lady in red!
You came to live in my love
Make me beautiful lines here
In the flowery path of millions of verses.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 04/02/2014
Reeditado em 04/02/2014
Código do texto: T4678390
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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