Love is eternal

Please, don't be like that!
Life is not made up only of dreams
But dreams are reasons to live
Every day you live and learn
In this paradise created by God.

Believe that life has a reason
Build a wonderful world in you
Only their acts are able to create
This cornerstone of life
Is the biggest thrill of the human being - Love

Please, don't be like that!
You are all in my daily journey
Since my dawn to dusk
My eyes are planted in your life
In one way or another: It's all love...

When you were born, people waited with love
Wow! His smile was cause for joy
And tears were expressions of life
Now, I don't know how you play love in the trash
And boldly asserts that life is an illusion.

Please, don't be like that!
I can prove the existence of love
You want proof as an example?
Last year I saw you very happy
Today, all his happiness turned to sadness.

Please, don't be like that!
Look at that bird singing
See the boy selling coconut sweet
See the poor boy selling peanuts
Think of the sick people without cure
Everyone has dreams, desires and hopes of life.

Very well! Now, I'm happy again
Feeling his embrace with a smile
And opening new horizons in the delight of love
Why life is short like a cloud
And becomes infinite as heaven when you love.


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 25/01/2014
Reeditado em 25/01/2014
Código do texto: T4663848
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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