Love! I'm your moon of love

When I see you on the beach at night
Everything changes in my eyes
Everything, everything is wonderful, my love
Not even the clouds hinders vision
With the beauty that covers my thoughts.

You have the most beautiful pearls for my dreams
In every gesture of his sweet smile, I go crazy
That irradiates our true love
Pouring over my body its beauty
Just a beautiful woman has that magic.

The silhouette outline of your body is delicious
Excellent thing that God invented - You
For us fulfill all desires here on earth
With the light coming from my eyes
You will never be alone, without the my moon.

Stand up! I'm here in the paradise of babassu Palms
Love! Kiss me, with a thousand kisses wet
Wet and sweaty in this piece of lingerie
Come on! Show me, please!
The curves of my fantasy
And, let me live forever in this volcano.

Do me the magic in this music that delights
Dance! Agitation, girl! Make me a whirl
All I want is you and nothing else
To live always with the my Moon
Dancing each melody of love.


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 17/01/2014
Reeditado em 17/01/2014
Código do texto: T4653968
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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