I will love you in High Seas

My love! Where are you?
I need to tell you something important
Tell me where you are?
Hey Muse! Can you hear me?
I have a very nice surprise.

I want you to pack your bags
I'm leaving the Maranhão from Porto de Itaqui TPP
In the world's fastest boat
Before nightfall, I arrive in your headlight
I can not stay away from my goddess
It's just that it makes me delirious at sea.

The good thing is that we are in the New Year
Happy New Year! Happy 2014!
My love! Today we will travel by the Brazilian coast
I really want to enjoy the glow of the moon with you
And mean in your eyes that I love you
Actually, you have a wonderful flower in heart.

Love! Come with white color dress
And in panties lingerie
You become more stylish and sexy
Even more with the smile that makes me crazy
In the middle of the sea with only the glow of the Moon
After all, you're my star.
A woman most beautiful of my universe.

I hope you enjoyed my gift
Love! I'm at high speed
With over 300 miles per hour
Cutting the waves of the Atlantic Ocean
In a little while I want is on your side
I sense their soft hands on my face
With a thousand kisses and hugs. Pure imagination!

My Star! I can see the moon rising
At the end of the dark horizon
Glossy, famous and completely loving
So, I want to bring you to the high seas
To love in the middle of the ocean between waves
With the moon watching our kisses.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 02/01/2014
Reeditado em 02/01/2014
Código do texto: T4633260
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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