Dancing with you a flashback

Think yummy living the three times
In my past, now and tomorrow
So, let's dance for real
Shaking the body in ballet
It's good to relive the memory
The hard drive is my HD
That has marked you
Dancing this tune
Some people don't like
And I say: Why should I care?
So what?

Nothing, nothing will remain at the mercy
Today, Monday is a good day to love
My love! Don't worry about a thing
Every day I work very
And every day I have fun
No matter the hours
Love! There are some things I have to do tomorrow
Live and live, to really loving you.

Let’s go! my sweet, my flower
Let's Dance the single
This hot hit Tina Charles
In the rhythm of the era of Disco Music
That's why I admire you
Very versatile with time
You know those times when snow falls
And guess the hour that I love you.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 10/11/2013
Código do texto: T4564393
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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