Goodbye! Goodbye! My love!

How everything changed in each horizon?
Her tears fell
on the face, is smooth and dull
Look! The Sun has gone on the Hill
I told you not to cry
By a love that's not worth
And you waited only a pain
You rejected my love with nothing to say
I saw my soul crying
In total contempt.

Released on the floor, I can see
My portrait ripped along with the poem
Everything inside me hurts
Don't cry for you, and yes by my verses
Trampled by your feet
Don't worry about nothing
This is part of the love stories
Only, not part tearing my verses
I Put it in my pants pocket
To later give more life in all pieces
In my soul torn into several pieces
I'm leading the pieces of verses

A new love will come
Soon, the greatest love of your life will arrive
He should arrive in a chariot of gold
With guards and swords of emeralds
It was not like you dreamed?
So, I have to go away
I'm just a peasant boy.

Our differences are creepy!
I confess. I was not wrong
Just see the abstract of your soul
I can't do anything
The goodness is born with love
And love is born in the attitudes of the heart
Please! Forgive me if hurt
Even wounded, I am courteous

In waiting for a Sun that never comes
Goodbye! I need to go
The path is the path of my line
I want to make just this poem
Marking that one day I was here
On the door of your heart
And you not gave me your love
After all that
I don't want go back
I'd rather be like the Sun
That is born every day
Shining alone in the universe
Warming up your heart
And saying that my dreams are eternal
Goodbye! Goodbye! My love!
Piece of my life is a verse
I don't tread more here anymore, anymore
That's not coming back more for you, never more
Goodbye! Goodbye! It's my happy song!
Goodbye! Goodbye! My love!


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 24/09/2013
Código do texto: T4496495
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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