
Love is no longer a mystery
Nor a drama for me
Love is simply being with you
It´s not knowing the meaning of being lonely 
It´s all about this blissfulness I feel
Having you at my side or
 On my mind at all times
No matter if it rains or shines

Love is having you round the clock
Always rising
 However, never setting
Cherished moments of sheer lust
When I magestically nestle myself on thy throne
Serving thee my king 
With long refreshing showers
As I await your roar to join my moans and cries
At every eruption you make
It rains!
And we reign together!

Love is surely welcome at any time of day
Especially at the most unexpected hour
Love is aroused at the very touch of our skins
A blazing red fire which is set 
And  only we can extinguish
With our rain 


Love is when you are within me
As I hold you warmingly deep inside
Longing to imprison you
Lovingly and everlastingly 
And never ever set you free

Love is what I learn with you
It´s pinches of giving,
Spoonfuls of sharing
With a good dab of understanding
Handfuls of patience
And small doses of gentleness
There´s no way of getting love wrong
Following our simple recipe


I´ve learned how to spell LOVE differently
It carries only three letters now
I spell it like this:


For my one and only Captain of my heart, Rodrigo.

With love,
Calada Eu
Enviado por Calada Eu em 20/09/2013
Reeditado em 20/09/2013
Código do texto: T4489827
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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