Dancing with you is love

The night is a joy in your eyes
And everything changes and turns with you
I'm looking at all her beauty
That falls into my simple eyes
Oh how you are so wonderful!
The color of love that melts in my soul
And makes a melody in my verses.
So. ... Come dance!
Now, do me a spin
Swing your body in excitement
Yes. Now balance the hips and the head
And come to my arms
With hair the color of the sun
Open your beautiful eyes the color of emeralds
See my love shine
In the song that shakes the past
And is present in both of us.
Oh! How lovely your red dress!
Today is Friday
The night of flashback
And this music will play without stopping
My love! My life is love
So, I'm creating the delights
Kissing your honey lips with love.

My darling! My beloved!
Give me the color of your eyes green
Give me this ocean that devours me
And makes me more moon lover with love
You change the night and makes me affection
Dancing to the melody in this exciting turning
At every step of my melodic verses
I´m your heart in this mixture
Understanding that unites our desires
I just want to be what I am to you
My love is a large endangered universe
Love cannot end, so, I love you
Loving you every thousandth of seconds
So.... Come and dance!
Do me a right turn
Balancing the body
And come to my arms
With the color of your hair color bright sun
You are the woman who hallucinates me
This red dress of my blood
The color of passion that involves me
And make me be your gentleman of all times
The color of your dress is present in other details
So, tonight will be a castle of dreams
Where love and pleasure are part of our lives
In the union that comes with the curves of your body
I'll fall asleep in the brightness of your eyes
Frantically loving non-stop with the glare of the Sun.
Dancing with you, I feel your soul inside of me.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 20/07/2013
Código do texto: T4395423
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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