Love the line of infinity

I miss you at every moment
And the day goes fast
The months breaking in other stations
But, I'll find you among the stars
The sweetest star of the universe
So, I can tell you how much I like you.

I love you too much
Love it so much I do not know measure distances
In this immensity the my blue heaven
And so black of our universe
That shines in our love
In every dawn of a new day.

I'll light your heaven on my arrival
You will wake up with the lights rays
Painting the night sky dark
Across the nostalgia that gets
To love you immensely
And tell you that I love very much.

For you, Sandra Rodriges with my infinite affection of our friendship.


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 09/06/2013
Reeditado em 10/06/2013
Código do texto: T4333568
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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