LOVE: transfinite finite-energy

I was the Sun, pure energy

irradiating great power…

I dissipated misadventures,

conveyed joy, generated life on Earth …

Many million of years passed by…

I became a Moon and on another

Sun I depended to exist…

At night, I emitted a cold penetrating

light which pacified the very core

of the human beings’ hearts and made

them become sensitive to the marvels of life.

For the lovers, magic enchantment was I…

Now I am a star. Not the only one,

but, as all the others, I am ‘unique‘.

Amidst their glorious brightness I have my own…

As the Moon, in skies ethereal gaseous

for millions of centuries, incessantly

I have been floating in constant search for you.

I still do exist and feel an urgent need

to show you my naked soul

… before the non-being occurs …

Where are you, special love all my lives?

Where are you, life of all my loves,

Where are you my unique enlightened someone?

Where are you?..

Mirna Cavalcanti de Albuquerque

Rio de Janeiro, April 20th, 2012