After all that I explained to the heart,
you came... Repairing the damages.
Stealing an hour of your compromises,
picking up the shards, gluing the pieces.
So, from the darkness, it was bundle of joy,
The lonely companion I left out the door,
watching , noting the groans it heard.
He was mine again... What I feared most.
I feared because my heart was comforted,
I had explained that he would not come back.
That he had died in full exile, all alone,
with no trace, exploded in lava eruption!
Eagerly he sought to my icy closed lips,
that for so long time was speechless.
Activating the intense fire of passion,
showing me the old way map of love.
Washed in sweat, we finally rested,
both wrapped in promised fatigue.
Outside, we will be only two again,
As if nothing had happened.
I will carry your perfume in my dress,
and words of not very good tone.
From me you will take just something,
because I took out the lipstick...
After all that I explained to the heart,
you came... Repairing the damages.
Stealing an hour of your compromises,
picking up the shards, gluing the pieces.
So, from the darkness, it was bundle of joy,
The lonely companion I left out the door,
watching , noting the groans it heard.
He was mine again... What I feared most.
I feared because my heart was comforted,
I had explained that he would not come back.
That he had died in full exile, all alone,
with no trace, exploded in lava eruption!
Eagerly he sought to my icy closed lips,
that for so long time was speechless.
Activating the intense fire of passion,
showing me the old way map of love.
Washed in sweat, we finally rested,
both wrapped in promised fatigue.
Outside, we will be only two again,
As if nothing had happened.
I will carry your perfume in my dress,
and words of not very good tone.
From me you will take just something,
because I took out the lipstick...