It’s night and I’m alone…

I am all alone in the night!…

I feel so lonely…

Now I keep listening to the phone:

Are you out there, phoning to me

I was happy when I listened to your beloved voice…

And I could see your face,

Your eyes so very sweet,

Your lips touching my lips with love

And your voice whispering in my ear…

Now, I feel so very happy!

Now my night turned into a beautiful night!…

I am no longer alone: You love brought a smile for me,

My heart is shining…

I shall sleep happily thinking of you!…

I’m here…

But I’m with you always by my side

Everywhere I go.

Say you need me,

Say you love all of me forever…

And we shall be happy together…

I pray for you to have a sweet sleep…

I pray for the angels to guard you and me,

My prayer is for the angels to guard you and to guide you!…

I shall go on dreaming of you…

And I mustn’t give in,

Because a new life will begin…

If you touch me

You’ll understand

What happiness is…

And me too…

And we shall go there were the green fields

l Kissed by the sun…

At once we’ll go where the blue sky is…

We shall be lovers…forever!…

Please, o Father,

Forgive me!…


Nota da autora: Brincando com letras, sonhos e canções...Embaralhando palavras que não são minhas para que fiquem de um jeito meu...

Enviado por ESPERANÇA em 29/12/2010
Código do texto: T2697338
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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