I'd like to fuck you

I know I’d like to fuck you good

I know it might be understood

as long as you have talked to me

for you should never set me free

I know I’d like to fuck you now

but you will never know somehow

what makes me say the things I do

it seems that I’m in love with you

I know I’d like to fuck you well

and they don’t need to cast a spell

on what I say it’s good to me

for you will never set me free

I know I’d like to fuck you hard

for that’s the way you won’t discard

the love I’ve got to give to you

and all the passion I’ve been through

I know I’d like to fuck you strong

to make me learn that I belong

to you and you’ll belong to me

and that’s the way it’s gotta be

Rio, 05/10/2008

(apenas pra treinar um pouco)

Aluizio Rezende
Enviado por Aluizio Rezende em 11/06/2009
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