Language Barriers

I wish I knew your language,

So my poems would be more true.

The words could dance more,

And talk more to you.

It made me sad when you said

“No one ever wrote a poem for me”.

You deserve lots of poems,

And I'll write them if need be.

Life sometimes is a dream, friend,

And I hope that yours can be.

You’ve been such a lighthearted person,

And I hope you can always be.

I don’t speak your language,

But through this one we can share,

Since I have lots of words, and time to spare.

I write this poem while looking at the stars,

And I sit here hoping you realise

How good a friend,

A teacher and person you are.

You deserve all the poems, sujeong.

Хүндэтгэсэн Матай

Enviado por DeathByPoetry em 07/10/2022
Código do texto: T7622603
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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