Mom, oh if I could return
Mom, oh if I could return
Oh, if I could return
for five minutes only, if I could return
return as a child to play in your arms
Oh, mom, how I would like
to feel your love, your painless tenderness
always to me giving
if I could return
To breath your scent, to touch your hair
to sit on your lap and feel like a solo playing in your heart
and linger in a circle of friends at play
tired I would be and in your arms lulled to sleep
Yes, mom, I woul return
nor would I doubt, I would adore
adore being with you
nor would I think on the dangers
that are in this world
you would sing songs, with that emotion
that only a mother knows how to give
and with you I would be
and my problems speak
and you would explain
solutions you would give
and all resolve
in the blink of an eye
To breath your scent…
But return I cannot
what can I do?
Say to you “thank you”?
Thank you to you
Say that I love you
this I can do
Mom, I love you.
Translation: Mark Lewis
Nasser Queiroga