canção de bruta resignação / carta de admiração


com o ímpeto e a ânsia

e a chama latente, incontida


aguardo o lábio

o calor

a epifania

por hora, aguardo.

domando o leão de símia tez

por um só fim-de-tarde

prometendo-o o fogo

no limiar entre o que foi e o que será

com alguma alquimia

acalmo a fera

8 ou 11

que seja

let's burn this house down

i won't last too much longer

i'm already starting to run out of places

for faces in my head

they're all starting to look the same

and the guitar plays a tune im not quite sure i can transcribe

and that september feeling starts to creep in

and in my chest burns a little something aflame

a something ive never quite put my finger on

a something that lingers, that hums

a something that plays in an electric guitar

im not quite sure i can transcribe.

and sometimes,

really occasionally,

i'll be able to listen.

i won't last too much longer

i'm already starting to run out of places

for faces in my head

they're all starting to look the same

howling upwards

in a sorrowing motion

we call up our angels

in teen cries

Alê Ramponi e Will Toledo
Enviado por Alê Ramponi em 18/08/2024
Reeditado em 10/09/2024
Código do texto: T8131760
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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