Dancing Lambada with Princess Jane


Dance this lambada, remembering our past,

As the years go by, I will never forget,

Let's dance Jane! You are wonderful and beautiful,

Your eyes and happy hair shake without hugging,

When you come closer shaking your hips,

Your brief movements take me to another greatness.


It's a swaying in the beats of an intense skirt,

Colorful with ruffles in this rhythm that makes me happy,

This ballad never goes out of fashion and gives me balance,

With Jorge Juan Mejia singing the Brazilian song,

In the Spanish version with the hit - Mar de Emociones,

It's a musical genre from Pará arranged in Colombia.


My princess Jane! Dance this delicious lambada again,

With your beauty that enchants my two buds,

There are oceans of emotions that kiss the beaches at the party,

Causing kisses on the sands of the beaches in a thousand hugs,

Dancing this lambada with you on the coast, you are winged,

So sublime that the silver moon sparkles in your name, Jane.



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 03/08/2024
Código do texto: T8121023
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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