It was a long time ago.

I was a boy still.

The day was dark.

There was rain during the night

And the roads were wet.

I walked alone, I was alone.

Only I could hear the wind

That blew on my ears.

I kept my secrets inside me

But the wind discovered them.

Then I sat down on the ground

And a lot of tears fell from my eyes…

I was lost.

Nobody knew me

And I did not know anybody.

Suddenly I noticed that I was hungry.

My stomach shouted!

I needed to eat something.

But what?

Without money, without food…

Also suddenly I noticed that I was thirsty.

I needed to drink something.

But what?

Now without water too.

My throat also shouted!

Probably I would die…

I stood up.

I followed my destiny.

I have continued along the wet road.

The trees were wet.

I was wet by my sweat.

The time was cold

But I was hot

Because I needed to eat and to drink.

Suddenly I felt in me some drops of water.

It was the rain that arrived again.

So I joined my hands.

I got water to drink.

After a little time

I saw some short trees.

They were bananas.

Then I ate a lot of them

And I Killed the hunger.

As I was tired

Under the trees I fell down.

I have slept for a long time.

I could dream that I was in a paradise.

When I woke up

I discovered a new day

With a nice sun shining on me.

I smiled a lot.

I was in sky

Because I had died!

By Ivan de Oliveira Melo

Ivan Melo
Enviado por Ivan Melo em 18/01/2020
Código do texto: T6845144
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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