Suddenly a silence

Suddenly a silence

All the things keep going outside

The cars on the street

The singer in the bar at the corner

The church's bells

It's midnight

I hear my bloodstream

Inside my ears

It pulses

A dog barks

The wind whistle thru the window pane

I remember a song

and my family

I miss them

I miss you

But now

I don't really know

who is the "you" I'm missing

Are you inside the mirror?

Are you Alice? Or Alicia?

Are those images

Misty memories by my tears?

Are those dreams

A sweet illusion

Eaten with a bottle of soda

and cheap wine?

I watch the water flowing down a sieve

Like blood thru the heart

Or the arteries ruptured

When you don't know

If it's a escape

Or a bleeding

The wind whistle again

A bottle breakes somewhere else

Return to breading

It's over.

Manuela Salles
Enviado por Manuela Salles em 09/11/2018
Código do texto: T6498167
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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