if we were together yet

and you liked photos,

I would take

a lot of photos of you...

now, I've got a cool camera

and I have been following

the colors, the shapes,

the lights, the shadows,

the smoke's movement,

and I still not reaching

the beauty I've feel...

I've already set fire

to my purple incense

and the smell which I want

didn't spread in my room...

my bed, just a single,

just me on it

waiting the tissues

be washed by the machine

under this floor...

this morning I opened

the window for the sun

to invade the kitchen

and it heats my little happiness...

getting no bread,

I had to take some

at that little market

besides the green square...

by this way,

I live hoping my rotine

make me rid of

my only love in this world...

I can get some hapiness

from the simple things,

however I miss

walking at your side

kissing her pink mouth

and hearing her voice

while we fuck