The Ghost Of Wild Sex

Soft lips, alarming territory

Wild tongue, free verse.

Ghost of sex

The inanimate being that incredibly awakens

Warmth on the dark skin and the frozen heart

They are having my whole body

Neurons of defeat,

Full of shame

Breath of revolt, The cry of revolution

-Fuck off, c’mon Lady…

Carcinogen lady, my inspiration, my moment, my vibe.

My self-knowledge has been increasingly effective

the holidays are coming, comes with hallucinogens

Great times are coming too, I know that.

So, breath and kiss me,

Let it be

Sorry about all paradoxes,

It’s time to say goodbye

The new age happens

Get all the horses,

Run to the south.

Let's build a new world

You, me, the horses and the ghost of wild sex.

Lucas Guilherme Pintto
Enviado por Lucas Guilherme Pintto em 05/06/2014
Código do texto: T4832906
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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