No more words

Lies among lies

Despise between Despise.

Here's something i can show you...

The world laughs and dance upon us!

We may think we can destroy it

But the shattering

Will exceed nothing

But mankind!

The Earth will stand steady

And long for a new age

With new races

Wich will love

And take care of her

Not even thinking about it

Just doing it. She deserves it so!

Let us die, fate!

Let us kill each other until the last!

Until the sound of our 'egosystem'

Will whisper no more.

No more war, no more peace

No more love, no more hate

No more words!

Just the Earth and her beings

Living and acting naturally.

Felipe Alves Freitas
Enviado por Felipe Alves Freitas em 04/06/2014
Reeditado em 28/02/2016
Código do texto: T4831937
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro