The muse Taipei

Vonie Sari
, my dear Muse!
The girl of the golden verses of the poet
The muse chosen of Taipei city
Star and full of sparkling lights.

I'll climb on top of the Tower Taipei 101
Bringing in my hands the my verses
At sunrise, you will hear me
Reciting the most beautiful poem for you.

If a flower is beautiful and fragrant
More beautiful is the flower of your heart
Spreading friendship and affection
With the smile of peace and tranquility.

Vonie Sari, I'll climb the skyscraper!
The second largest tower in the world
From up there, I'll look all its famous city
And say you are a special person.

Today, I want to wake up you
Declaiming this simple poem
From the top of the most beautiful building of the planet
Hello Vonie Sari! I'm here with all your poems
You is the Muse of my verses - The muse of Taipei.


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 04/11/2013
Reeditado em 04/11/2013
Código do texto: T4555594
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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