Northeastern diploma!

In Brazil there is a region, the Northeast region, which is so poor and miserable, that many need to eat cactus to keep from starving.

This region is rich in culture, but very poor because of scarce rainfall. The figure is stronger "Cowboy," a kind of shepherd who herds cattle by the "caatinga" among thorns and snakes rattlesnakes. Most of these cowboys are illiterate and their employers, who have some money, are unable to perform the task of driving the cattle.

Thinking about the poet Northeastern music created "NORTHEASTERN DIPLOMA", a pearl of Brazilian regional musicality.

I live in the state of Minas Gerais, but I was born in Bahia, where they begin "the backlands", which begins the vegetation of "caatinga". I am a lawyer and try to be a poet, but now my task is to translate this song for other people in the world may know more about my culture and about my people!

My name is Carlos Henrique Mascarenhas Pires. My spelling in English is not the best. I am page editor. I was born in the city of Feira de Santana. People in my town say it is the "Princess of the Hinterland." My grandparents were cowboys; my father is a cowboy on this modern culture, these people and this place I'm in love!

And so said the cowboy illiterate to his boss who has a doctorate diploma...

It makes no sense to humiliate me in front of his alms,

I enjoyment of perfect physical health, my sir.

I can work anytime, because I have courage.

And it's not my fault this disorganization.

You need to know that beneath this planting of these lands and there is not only Japan!

Try you dig a well to draw water!

Will I need to tell who is more ignorant of us, I never learned to read, or you die of hunger, if not let me work?

Diverts public funds and speaking difficult.

Commits a criminal offense of money for the San Francisco River as well.

Diverts river water to wet lands to anyone.

If there is plenty to his desk, must surely remain a bit on my desk.

Try you dig a well to draw water!

Will I need to tell who is more ignorant of us, I never learned to read, or you die of hunger, if not let me work?

My writing is reflected in the crop that he planted a lifetime.

In my hands calluses of spring work.

All this is my pride and all this is my

All this is my diploma; it is my product and my sweat!

I do not want to leave my family, on their lands I feel lonely.

I hope you can understand that the dialogue between the cowboy and his boss is a proof that we all need each other, and that we should never allow that there is humiliation of those who employ and who are employed!

Carlos Henrique Mascarenhas Pires

CHaMP Brasil
Enviado por CHaMP Brasil em 06/04/2012
Código do texto: T3598437
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro