i don´t give a fuck to the moon

i don´t give a fuck to the planets around

i don´t give a fuck to the moving clouds

i got only the ground

that´s what make me feel

safe and sound

i don´t give a fuck to science

i don´t give a fuck to religion

i don´t give a fuck to paid advices

i got my very own position

and i say it can´t be changed

neither by force nor by tradition

i don´t give a fuck to the uniforms

i don´t give a fuck to the robes

i don´t give a fuck to presidential sash

i got my own code

secret enough

to never be told

i don´t give a fuck to pain

i don´t give a fuck to relief

i don´t give a fuck to the possibility of cure

cuz i know we´re brief

i´m really sure

we´ve been watched by the thief

i don´t give a fuck to the news

i don´t give a fuck to the polls

i don´t give a fuck to live broadcast

and i still keep whole

since i quitted believing

and put my head out of the hole

i don´t give a fuck to stardom

i don´t give a fuck to the centerfold

i don´t give a fuck to the walk of fame

it will all end when i get old

and when i die

all this glory´s gonna be sold

i don´t give a fuck to nicotine

i don´t give a fuck to red wine

i don´t give a fuck to pot

neither to any white line

it´s enough to be clean

it´s pretty hard to be fine

i don´t give a fuck to cadillacs

i don´t give a fuck to armani suits

i don´t give a fuck to bombshells

i´ve never bitten that fruit

i´ve never dug too deep

to unveil bad roots

i don´t give a fuck to mantras

i don´t give a fuck to any repetition

i don´t give a fuck to magic words

i got my very own position

and i say it can´t be changed

neither by force nor by tradition