God smiled

God smiled down on the world.

No more tears.

I see a child smile of truth.

I love my side.

I want both a good dream, where I can fly without wings.

I want to see the sky open

and stars of light seeds fall off

where the wind takes us up to a love of truth

For not all darkness and fear

as not every secret and guarded.

I hope we can live in peace, and never, never cry.

And if you understand my feelings, know that I long for you every night

God bless the poor in spirit

I, I, I want to be happy.

I need some for this!

I need you here!

To hold me when I feel cold

to divide fears

we share laughter



Now I found the plain meaning of things

Everything is love!

Everything beautiful encounter on a daily


Davidson Martins
Enviado por Davidson Martins em 13/03/2010
Código do texto: T2136868
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