
Anger consumed me

When I noticed his betrayal

The one who I trusted the most

had let me down..

I didn´t think twice

He stabed me in the back

Now I stab him in the front

The anger now subsiding

As his blood drips from my knife

Maybe I was wrong? Or maybe I was right?

His life fading away

And I´m not so sure anymore

Will I forget this moment?

Or it will haunt me forever?

I think I can´t take it anymore

He has paid for his betrayal

Now I have to pay for mine

With the knife drenched in his blood

I will take my own life

With our sins forgiven

See you in the afterlife

Enviado por Dusk em 24/02/2010
Reeditado em 24/02/2010
Código do texto: T2105577
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