CÉLULAS CANCEROSAS (inspirado no poema de Harold Pinter)
células cancerosas não sabem morrer
imortais inimigas
em mim entranhadas
sei como se morre
queria mesmo era olhar o teu cadáver
quisto cego
até a inevitável explosão do inferno
em cujo palco
me derrota
cantando saciado
dia e noite
noite e dia
sem eu me aperceber
pois jamais se faz anunciar
Cancer Cells
"Cancer cells are those which have forgotten how to die".
(Nurse, Royal Marsden Hospital).
They have forgotten how to die
And so extend their killing life.
I and my tumour dearly fight.
Let's hope a double death is out.
I need to see my tumour dead
A tumour which forgets to die
But plans to murder me instead.
But I remember how to die
Though all my witnesses are dead.
But I remember what they said
Of tumours which would render them
As blind and dumb as they had been
Before the birth of that disease
Which brought the tumour into play.
The black cells will dry up and die
Or sing with joy and have their way.
They breed so quietly night and day,
You never know, they never say.