
The Siren´s Call

Come discover the sea 
And daringly navigate within me
Without any compass
Explore me
Just thrust
Your manhood deeply

Wrapping myself around you
I feel your hardness liven up
At every grasp
So tightly, so firmly
Feel my warmth bring you deeply to me
I whisper in your ear
"You are mine forever ...

For I am the Siren
The one who calls upon sailors at sea
And I have chosen you
To cast my spell upon

All self control is gone
The further we drift away
The more our frenzy awakens
And makes us both come together
Twice ...
Such pleasures we release
Making us both come oh! so alive 
I demand you feel
Every drop of fury
Which I hungrily milk from you 
Every drop
You have spared for me
And me alone

Hear my moaning
And sighs of sheer pleasure
My coming 
Your coming
Our gasping for breath
As we deliver each other to ecstasy   
Calada Eu
Enviado por Calada Eu em 27/10/2017
Reeditado em 28/10/2017
Código do texto: T6154870
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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