A Matter of Birds and Cages

A bird in a cage

In a dirty cage a bird is

Is a bird in the cage?

In an uncomfortable cage

A bird is

The bird's in a cage

Is a cage in the bird?

A cage is for birds

Are birds for cages?

Empty it is

Is it the bird or is it the cage?

It's the cage that is for birds

It's the bird that is for cages

It's the cage, that is, the bird

Is it the cage that is uncomfortable?

A bird is uncomfortable for a cage

What is empty, then?

Where the cage is, there's a bird

Where there's a bird, there's a cage

Will there be birds where there isn't cages?

Won't there be birds when cages are not?

Would cages be needed if birds weren't there?

A door in a cage

There's a door in a cage

Where there's a bird by the door

By the door of the cage

Is the bird by the door?

Or is the bird by the cage?

By what is the door, then?

What is a bird for?

If not for the cage?

Where is the bird, then?

If not in the cage?

Why ask by what is it?

If it is right into the cage?

Finally, what is what?

If not birds and cages?

Rafael Gonçalves
Enviado por Rafael Gonçalves em 26/09/2018
Reeditado em 26/09/2018
Código do texto: T6460442
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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