Once in a while a threat of insanity haunts me.

It is awful! I literally lose my mind.

I am so scared of feeling empty, void of myself.

I feel so fragile!

I am afraid of getting mad.

The big problem is the people who are around me, closer to me.

I do not want to lay a trip on them.

The delusions are all mine. I should keep them to myself.

Nevertheless the same way that it comes and strikes me;

It leaves me and I recover my sound mind.

It is undecipherable! I can not really understand the minutiae.

Perhaps only my shrink can figure out the whole thing.

Maybe the drugs, the medicine, help.

It may be caused by a chemical disorder in the brain.

I do not know, indeed.

In moments of anguish, fear and anxiety, we always tend to hang on to God.

I confess that I always keep a little faith.

I must keep some hope as well.

And after all of that is over,

What I feel is just a great relief;

And the expectation that it never happens again.

May God heal all the suffering and emotional injuries which were left in my soul.

Baruch Hashem Adonai!

Hamilton, ON, Canada. 02/23/2022

José Flávio Nogueira Guimarães
Enviado por José Flávio Nogueira Guimarães em 23/02/2022
Reeditado em 24/07/2022
Código do texto: T7458464
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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