Boring social media!

To add me and be my friend or even follow me.
You have to wish me well and see.
That life online is too cold.
You feel you are being fooled and even sold.

So please try to reduce the distance.
By making me see there is some existence.
If you want me to just be a number and have no clue
Of what I am, sorry, I am not the one for you.

So please leave me alone with my reduced number of adds.
They are good and serious friends with very few fads.
They have been chosen by me carefully.
And whatever they need, they can fall back on me.

I do not mind your deleting or even blocking me.
As long as you don’t use my kindness to be.
What you have not been able to.
So please, do this favor for me and for you:

Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 07/03/2021
Reeditado em 23/05/2021
Código do texto: T7200743
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro