Amusement Park
Sometimes life can really hurt you
So hard that you have those terrible thoughts
Flying over your head
Like Poe's raven echoing that creepy voice
Saying "Nevermore"
Again and again
In a deep way
Until you forget about yourself...
But don't give up
Because this same life can make you feel comfortable being on your own
And there are going to be days to remember of
Because life can make you laugh so loud
That people around you will smile
A special smile of a summer day
And we are all living and sharing this tiny period of time
The time of our lives
And you, my friend, will be great.
Don't worry about the tears that rolled down your beautiful face last night
It's just one among too many ways of feeling
We are human beings
So just be human
Human at the amusement park of life
It can be scary
It can be fun
It can be sad
It can be done
You know we got the roller coaster for free
Full of tops and downs
And we can't scape now
Otherwise, we get stuck on a merry go round
For forever...
So be prepared for the darkest days
And despite of everything, make the wonderful happens within you...
Just because.