I am living

There is still time to change the courses
There is still willingness to win the fights
There is still memory to have a future
There is still smile to thank
There is still voice to my thoughts
There is still vision to guide me
There is still skill to practice my sport
There is still time to make new friends
There Is still capacity to repair
There is still money to support me
There is still capacity to walk around
There is still someone to love
There are still reasons to live

Versão em português, " Estou vivendo", T5715717

A Imagem foi colhida na internet, em caso de autoria, por favor entrar em contato para que eu retire ou restitua-lhe os devidos créditos. Obrigado.
Roberto Morand
Enviado por Roberto Morand em 03/08/2016
Reeditado em 05/08/2016
Código do texto: T5717818
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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