The Dreams

The dreams upon waking are always surprises, but only when I can remember them.
Dreams or memories, when you are in doubt, it's better to forget to not remember.
Preferred dreams are always expected, but nightmares come uninvited.
Strange dreams also can happen, diffuse images that nothing clarify.
Fighting dream made me take a beaten, I kicked the wall, I was saved by waking.
Colorful dreams I can watch it for fun, the only is just missing is the popcorn to enjoy.
Sex dreams, It's never told, stored deep down inside even without any connection.
Dream about who is gone, it is always welcoming, but if it is repetitive, you're going.
Dreams intrigue me, bother me or fascinate me.
Daydreaming, hope in life, something that can be always dreamed.
Dream while sleeping, try to explain without reaching, complex physiological processes that make me to dream.

Versão em português, ver "Sonhos", T5715737

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Roberto Morand
Enviado por Roberto Morand em 03/08/2016
Reeditado em 05/08/2016
Código do texto: T5717807
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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