It’s to live one day after the other
without noticing small
and great beauties.
It’s to lose self-confidence
because of insecurities and foolish fears
It’s to not see in mistakes
an alternative for growing.
It’s to not find the gear to act
and to see failure in everything
It’s to not challenge attitudes
that don’t please,
although unsatisfied
and unhappy with them.
It’s to lose the motivation for life,
cultivating pessimism and nostalgia
It’s to perceive reality
and not interact.
It’s to transform oneself into a
cold and bitter fortress,
suffocating the most magnificent
of feeling, love!
Ilda Maria Costa Brasil
Enviado por Ilda Maria Costa Brasil em 29/04/2017
Código do texto: T5985196
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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