Under the of stars veil

Clouds over the sea

Between the blinds of the sky

Secrets to unravel

In the crescent new moon

The nobles eyes transcend

Seeking another horizon

The suns here do not light

Time passes and vanishes

To the light they fogs up and falls down

Entering between the chinks

Open of a window

And the poor tired eyes

In the new moon, waning

Contemplate already revealed

The fears of a retreatant

Between the blinds of the sky

Secrets to unravel...

Author: Valter Pio dos Santos

06/Apr /2016

Valtin Kbça Dipoeta
Enviado por Valtin Kbça Dipoeta em 06/04/2016
Reeditado em 22/09/2016
Código do texto: T5597068
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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