
When the night turns grey,

You look like a bird prey,

And the sky heavily falls into my head.

When the night turns blue,

Your green eyes suddenly disappear,

And the stars barely call my name.

If the colors of your body,

Project shine into mine,

I can't fake any extra shine,

What a crime!

Then the night turns yellow,

And the morning stares at me,

Paintings in my bright flesh.

Following the winking,

I believe that the world is what I see,

Without knowing how to tint your eyes.

So the morning turns black,

And then repeats an immense fallback.

Flavio Marcondes
Enviado por Flavio Marcondes em 10/11/2013
Reeditado em 20/06/2020
Código do texto: T4565005
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro