The thermals are air bubbles,

The thermals can we ascend...

In thermal can fly

The one force that makes us worthy!

The thermals are air bubbles,

The thermals can get involved...

The thermals can elevate us

The excitement of being able to realize!

The thermals are air bubbles,

Blisters are unstable in the compress...

Are mutable air bubbles

The thermals are the eyes of the climate!

The thermals are air bubbles,

In the thermals can we even travel

Bubbles are imperceptible to fly,

The thermals ... Variables are in the air!

Autor: Valter Pio dos Santos


Valtin Kbça Dipoeta
Enviado por Valtin Kbça Dipoeta em 29/08/2013
Código do texto: T4457963
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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