Liquid thoughts and Solid thoughts

Solid thoughts can never mend,

We're unable expand its bulk,

The intelectual development is put to an end,

Misfotunes are conceived as lack of luck.

Liquid thoughts lead us to a wider understanding,

It's really necessary for the world is always changing.

No matter how strange it seems, keep yourself keen,

Then you'll be able to learn and you mind will feel no burn.

Solid thoughts can only be shaped by hard blows,

And you'll be hurt badly, so don't reject what science shows.

We're disappointed that it can't solve all of our questions,

But instead of contributing, you make up answers through uncanny connections.

Liquid thoughts matches with every new thing,

We scrutinize what we see until doubts are gone,

That's a way to exercise the brain of the human being,

Because wisedom musn't be stuck, its enhancement must go on.

J K Alves
Enviado por J K Alves em 30/11/2009
Reeditado em 02/07/2011
Código do texto: T1953411
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