Our LOVE is the best of all seasons!

- Winter -

I know that I miss you in all seasons

And if you ask me, I may not know the reasons

In winter when it is cold and raining

I remember all we share, our dreams and planning

- Fall -

I love watching the leaves fall

The yellow ones are the best of all

And out there when I hear your voice sing

You can’t imagine how much happiness you bring

- Summer -

In summer when the weather changes for a while

Between kisses and smiles

We sit beside each other on the seat

Laughing at the way we used to meet

- Spring -

But spring is the time when I place a flower on your hair

And together we silently say our prayers

To ask GOD to never do us part - in winter, summer, spring or fall

Because despite the beauty of all seasons, our LOVE is the best of all!

Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 30/06/2017
Código do texto: T6041633
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro