
Saw your inner sanctum.

Behind your outer cloister.

Such a holy intimacy.

After every thirsty attempt.

I dived into your well.

Virtually but surely.

Myself into yourself.

And moral, go to hell!

Although I see the boundaries.

They're thick and hard to pierce.

But when the tear shows up.

Then a bloody masterpiece!

So guilty, so embarassed.

Though full of dirty pleasure.

There's such a goddam pressure.

That flesh... It's just so precious.

Forget about the values.

And I know the tiger's jealous.

Perhaps it's a bit too late.

To give up and just pretend.

I'm so ready, I am craving.

Willing to behave.

Like an animal, not like man.

Rafael Gonçalves
Enviado por Rafael Gonçalves em 06/09/2019
Reeditado em 20/09/2019
Código do texto: T6739099
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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