Well, I shouldn't
But yet I ought to
You won't get a job
Nor leave me alone
Neither I want you to
This phantasmagoric being
Knows not where to go
And cries the death's grief
Of no one at all
Where are you?
Hey, missed girl
Don't hate me, please, please
Need me like oxygen
Love me like you shall never do
"But don't change a hair for me
Not if you care for me"
Hold you on to yourself
- Your shining eyes still shall conquer the world
Guess I'm just the silliest fool for saying that
Stupid, huh?
Phantasmagoria fucks it all
Darling image that I love
You were me all the time
But yet I'm not you
Even though
The blood of the alter
Oughtta be mine
But I'm not here
And I'm wondering
Who could be writing this
And maybe
Just maybe
The sun doesn't shine
The music ain't no good
And the friends aren't there at all
I had no idea
This could go so far
That thick
I had no idea
Eros could suck my life
That hard
I had no idea
My mind could crumble itself
And lose its sparkle, not that illy
I'm a memory of me
And you are a memory
Of what have never been
Our love was like a cloud
Once it forms something beautiful
But then goes away
Never to be found
Never to rebirth
Except on our memories
And in our hearts