Alone, a follow sad way

on the ground stones bets

no sun nor a glow

only thorns, shade and loneliness

On this path so dense and somber

the dark is so tense

that sometimes gives up agony

others, the head nor thinks

in this radius, not a pride

to brighten my heart

neither the shortcut of a rail

to change my direction

Without the north and the glare of the moon

it only remains to follow me trip

no luck, walk down the street

in the bends of this mirage!

Author: Valter Pio dos Santos

14/Jul /2014

Valtin Kbça Dipoeta
Enviado por Valtin Kbça Dipoeta em 18/07/2014
Código do texto: T4887461
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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