Just a Lie

I tell you… love!

I tell my face disappear

I tell your eyes what I can’t see

If I go, go with me

If I lie, believe me

If I can’t say something, trust me

And if I give up, don’t let my lies follow me

If you be there

Be there all for me

With my body

And your histories

We are a perfect joke

And I can make a perfect life

In the perfect lie

When the night comes

I show you

How we were made for each other

And all it will be...

...A lie…

Just a lie...

Junho de 2008

Menina Beijaflor
Enviado por Menina Beijaflor em 30/06/2008
Reeditado em 01/07/2008
Código do texto: T1059211
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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