I do not want you



Nothing has value

If I gave you my love

Now it's too late for you to tell me all this

that pissed me off too much

Washed all my tramps

And still shook in faveira

Thinking it was a joke

You are treading on someone else's soil

It's not mine and much less yours

Now, he wants to come back in a new season

Apologizing for the last


has no value

It's better to forget every moment

If I was a doll, now I'm a woman

Who took all the tricks

And kept it in the wardrobe

Made the bed a trophy

It's not mine and much less yours

Now want to come back as a sign

Rolling on the floor and dancing

Apologizing for the last

Thinking of being a macumbeiro.





Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 12/04/2023
Código do texto: T7762081
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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